Once upon a time, there was a little dog named Farrah. She never spoke a word, but she knew everything. At the tender age of six weeks, she adopted a momma named Amy. For the next 10+ years, little Farrah poured all of her knowledge into her favorite student by way of very patient lesson planning. It was never easy, as Amy was very stubborn and painfully oblivious of her efforts for the majority of her time here, but she knew what she needed, so she kept on. As the grey hairs on Farrah’s snout multiplied, so grew Amy’s awareness of her mentorship. That little pup continued delivering exactly what was needed at exactly the right moment. 

Farrah now lives happily ever after over the rainbow bridge, but her wisdom lives on. Her momma is hopeful that by sharing some of the lessons she has learned, Farrah’s love will continue to help hearts grow. 

Hi! I’m the Amy behind Amy Gillis Benson Blog & Farrah’s momma. I am a meditating fitness freak, personal development junkie, recovering rule follower, Christmas enthusiast, and eater of mashed potatoes & pizza (hold the meat!). I love going on adventures with my husband – anything from hiking in Hawaii to rocking side by side on our front porch in Nashville, Tennessee. 

I’ve struggled with fear my whole life – fear of failure, success, disappointing others, the unknown – you name it, and I’ve felt it! But, dang it! I’m fed up with living in that fear! I’ve learned a lot from my little pup and I’m determined to grow into my best self by overcoming that fear mindset! I’m committed to living fully in the present moment where beauty and magic flourish – will you join me?

One thought on “About”

  1. I’m so proud of you for taking this leap and I can’t wait to read everything you publish. The world deserves to hear what Amy has to say! Love you!

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